To be clear, the title is not sarcastic. Grouting is literally the easiest bit of home improvement I have ever done. This piece of knowledge obviously amplifies my outrage over the previous grout job by about a billion. As a stomach-churning reminder, this is what we started out with: For extra outrage, here’s a […]
Declutter 2017: the Pajamaning
In the grand tradition of pretty much every year I can remember since about age 12, I have declared this year to be the year where I Finally Get My Shit Together. I’m not going to let the fact that I’ve failed at that task every single other time I’ve attempted it stop me, because, […]
learn how to weave and channel your malcontent into a kickass wall hanging!
Weaving! Everybody is basically a professional weaver right now, right? I’ve always wanted to give it a shot but then the internet got pretty saturated with so many crazy fringey neon roving yarn barf creations and I got pretty impatient with the whole thing. It kind of started moving into goofy crochet territory (just because […]
currently loving: vietnamese airbnb design
Real talk: I don’t really like to Travel with a capital T. I get that it’s amazing and mind-expanding and the most important thing a person can do and blah blah blah, but unless you have a ton of money to throw around it’s also stressful, exhausting, and generally pretty physically uncomfortable. If I could afford […]
i’m gonna be on tv!
A few weeks ago the Rachael Ray Show flew me out to New York to do a teeny segment about my kitchen project. It was super fun and super strange and super scary and maybe I’ll write a longer post about it later, but the two main things I learned were My brain turns to […]
case study planter DIY, poverty style
Can you believe that there’s no Wikipedia article for Modernica’s Case Study planter? (Of course you can, but I was legit surprised until I came to my senses.) I wanted to look up its history because sometimes the most boring things turn out to be super interesting–a bad example is how the Ikea Frosta stool […]
fuck some shit up out there today, ladies
Don’t hurt anybody or actually set any limos on fire, obvs. But still, fuck some shit up with your words and your voice and your overwhelming numbers and your refusal to tolerate any more of this hateful, plutocratic garbage. Love doesn’t trump hate–action does. And also maybe a good old-fashioned revolution.
some cool, old stuff I got
I just spent the last hour writing the beginning of this post, but as I’ve been up since 4:30 am for a flight that didn’t end up taking off until noon it was less of an introduction and more of an “Eliza rants for 500 words about late-stage capitalism in two giant run-on sentences” […]
adventures in not buying particle board
After I bought my Egon Ostergaard desk last fall, I decided to try and change the way I bought stuff for my apartment. At $220, the desk was WAY more than I would usually spend on a piece of non-essential furniture (that’s more than a month of groceries!) and I was pretty freaked out about […]
The holidays are almost over and pretty soon we can all go back to being normal human beings who don’t have opinions on confetti types or which kind of kraft paper looks the most effortless. I cannot wait.