my sunday afternoon procrastination soundtrack

What’s that you say? Finals? Next week? That can’t possibly be true, because I’m way too busy bothering the dog and poking around on the internet to even think about studying. I mean, the Craigslist used furniture section isn’t going to browse itself, guys.

My finals workload is actually extremely small this semester, but it seems that nobody has delivered that message to my irrational anxiety centers. So here’s a playlist I made to listen to while I try to trick my brain into believing that making awful PowerPoint presentations is super fun and definitely not a reason to make and eat an entire pan of cookie-topped brownies.

it’s totally going to be okay

  1. Wild Flag – Romance (Amazon | iTunes)
  2. Tom Waits – Blue Valentine  (Amazon | iTunes)
  3. XTC – This World Over  (Amazon | iTunes)
  4. Slowdive – When the Sun Hits  (Amazon | iTunes)
  5. Heart – Who Will You Run To?  (Amazon | iTunes)
  6. David Bowie – Glass Spider  (Amazon | iTunes)
  7. The Monkees – Daydream Believer  (Amazon | iTunes)
  8. Dolly Parton – Early Morning Breeze  (Amazon | iTunes)
  9. New Kids on the Block – Didn’t I (Blow Your Mind)  (Amazon | iTunes)
  10. Edwin Starr – Twenty Five Miles  (Amazon | iTunes)
  11. XTC – Down in the Cockpit  (Amazon | iTunes)
  12. The White Stripes – The Air Near My Fingers  (Amazon | iTunes)
  13. The Libertines – Lots and Lots of Songs  (gonna need to put on your eyepatch and peg leg if you want to own this one)
  14. Ryan Adams – Cannonball Days  (Amazon | iTunes) (ditto for the eyepatch if you want to own the album version of this)

(Most of these are free with an Amazon Prime subscription, btw.) (Also here’s an iTunes playlist where everything should be free if you have Apple Music.)

If you don’t hate listening to music with Youtube, here’s everything in order:

Happy snowy Sunday, everybody!

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